In Celebration of International Women’s Day, Our HR Manager #ChooseToChallenge Gender Injustice

This International Women’s Month 2021, we asked some of our mission’s women leaders on what gender issue they #ChooseToChallenge, and how they use their voices to empower women around them.

Our HR Manager, Ms. Juvilee “Juvi” Anne Ravanera, chose to challenge gender injustice in daily life and commits to reject sexist and racist attitudes and consider ways to support the promotion of women in arts, sciences, sports, politics, and other fields.

“As a leader, I help make the organization an inclusive place to work by hiring the best person available for every open position without having any assumptions or prejudices about it being a man or a woman’s job, train and compensate team members based on position and contribution regardless of gender, and implement policies that are fair enough, gender-sensitive and against any type of discrimination and harassment,” shares Juvi.

How about you, what do you #ChooseToChallenge?