CALP Network’s Successful ToT Program Advances Core CVA Skills in Manila with Support from USAID
Last week, the CALP Network successfully completed a Training of Trainers (ToT) program on Core Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Skills for Programme Staff in Manila, Philippines, held from November 20th to 24th, 2023.
The ToT saw active participation from 16 CVA practitioners representing diverse backgrounds from 11 different agencies including UN entities, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), and local actors. These CVA professionals came from countries such as Bangladesh, Fiji, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, and Ukraine, and from those whose roles cover the Pacific and Central Asia regions.
This training initiative forms an integral part of CALP’s support aimed at assisting the humanitarian community in achieving high-quality Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) at scale. The importance of enhancing staff capacity is underscored by the insights presented in the State of the World’s Cash Report 2023, which emphatically asserts that “increasing staff capacity offers one of the biggest opportunities for the growth of CVA.”
Expanding the team of CALP-certified trainers in the Asia-Pacific region on Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff Training holds the potential to significantly enhance access to CVA learning opportunities for humanitarians. Having this will help in contributing to the broader goal of advancing proficiency and effectiveness in cash-based interventions.
In photo: Joseph Curry, regional humanitarian advisor at USAID gives a message during the Trainers (ToT) program on Core CVA Skills.
With USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance‘s support, the CALP Network serves as a collaborative platform that brings together organizations to strengthen their capacity, knowledge, coordination, and policies related to Cash and Voucher Assistance. Action Against Hunger is an active member of the CALP Network and currently hosts its Asia-Pacific Region team.

Action Against Hunger Country Director, Suresh Murugesu, at the Trainers (ToT) program on Core CVA Skills.