REACH 2 Project analyzes market capacity and demand trends in Lanao del Sur to bridge gaps on food security
Providing healthy food that’s enough for the entire family is a usual concern for those struggling from unemployment. Additional threats like emergency situations and an ongoing health crisis make it even more difficult to combat food insecurity.
This is a common ordeal for many of the communities we are working with and one of the ways we address this is through our cash-for-food programs. For this intervention, our REACH Mindanao project went around the local markets in Lanao del Sur to analyze market capacity and demand trends in relation to the availability and accessibility of goods. This assessment will give us a better understanding of the needs and capacities of both consumers and local micro-businesses.

Photo by Jeffrey Simprota for Action Against Hunger

Photo by Jeffrey Simprota for Action Against Hunger
Through the market assessment, we will be able to identify how the COVID-19 pandemic affected market operations, price changes, and understand any changes in the traffic and volume of consumers in comparison to pre-pandemic times.
From the information gathered, the goal is to strengthen our strategies and processes as we prepare to roll out new set of food security & livelihood (FSL) activities in the next months.
The ‘Response to the Unmet Humanitarian Needs of the Most Vulnerable Populations in Mindanao Affected by Conflict, Disasters, and the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (REACH) Project is funded by the European Union and is implemented by ACCORD Incorporated, Action Against Hunger Philippines, CARE Philippines, Community Organizers Multiversity, Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services (IDEALS) Inc., Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), United Youth of the Philippines-Women and Oxfam Pilipinas.