PBA Mindanao 2021 starts cash assistance program for COVID-affected IDPs in Zamboanga
ZAMBOANGA CITY — Our field teams conducted the initial Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) and Social Preparation orientations among our #PBAMindanao2021 Project participants living in the transitory sites of Masepla, Asinan, Buggoc and Rio Hondo last July 21-23, 2021.

The livelihood assistance is in support vulnerable communities in Mindanao after community immobility and restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic aggravated the living condition of many residents, particularly those who were protractedly displaced following the Zamboanga siege back in 2013.

With the support of the City Government of Zamboanga, City Social Welfare and Development (CSWD) of Zamboanga, and the Integrated Resource Development for Tri-People (IRDT), the participants were assisted by the IRDT volunteers and community leaders on the multipurpose cash transfer (MPCT) distribution plan, following and explaining the strategic mechanism to ensure organized payout activity. During the activity, health reminders and COVID safety protocols were discussed and followed.

Our ‘Multi-Sectoral Lifesaving Assistance To People Most Vulnerable To The Covid-19 Pandemic, Conflict, and Disasters’ or Program Based Approach (PBA) Mindanao 2021 Project is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) The project aims to protect, assist, and advocate for displaced people, indigenous peoples, vulnerable population, and marginalized communities particularly vulnerable to conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic.