Working together with local agencies and LGUs to provide rapid response
“MOVE UP Project, in coordination with the Parang MDRRMO has been instrumental in the delivery of Multipurpose Cash Transfer and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support interventions under its Rapid Response Mechanism to the displaced families affected by armed conflict in GT Biruar. These interventions benefitted the IDPs, especially the most vulnerable who were provided immediate, life-saving assistance,” shares Ms. Norah Mamariong, Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Officer (MDRRMO) of Parang, Maguindanao del Norte.
With funding from the European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), MOVE UP 5 through Action Against Hunger provided cash assistance and conducted a Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support (MHPSS) Session for Adults who were affected by the recent ‘rido’ in Barangay G.T Biruar, Parang.
Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Social Services and Development – BARMM, MDRRMO of the Municipality of Parang, and the officials of Barangay G.T Biruar, MOVE UP 5 was able to quickly respond to the needs of the affected community.
This rapid response is part of the Moving Urban Poor Communities Towards Resilience (MOVE UP 5) consortium project implemented by Action Against Hunger Philippines, ACCORD Incorporated, CARE Philippines, Plan International Philippines, and Nissa Ul-Haqq Bangsamoro with funding support from the European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).