
Empowering Remote Villages with Accessible Water

MABINI, DAVAO DE ORO ─ “We had to cross the mountain to fetch water,” Michelle Esperanza, 36, recalls. The rough terrain and muddy dirt paths made it hard for the residents of the remote mining town of Sitio Mascareg, in the community of Barangay Anitapan to collect water for drinking, bathing, and usage for their daily chores.

Jay-ar and Michelle Michelle gather firewood for cooking in Sitio Mascareg, Barangay Anitapan, Mabini, Davao de Oro. Access to safe and potable water has been a pressing issue in their village. (Photo by Shirin Bhandari for Action Against Hunger)

Getting clean water was already a chore for some families in Mascareg. But this became a bigger struggle in the first quarter of 2024 after Davao de Oro experienced a succession of rains and floods that triggered landslides across the hilly area. This destroyed homes and roads and cut off families like Michelle’s from their water source. “We were asked to evacuate our homes in February 2024. The heavy rains caused landslides in the surrounding areas, destroying most of the roads that lead up here,” says Michelle.

The remote geographical location of Sitio Mascareg offers limited livelihood opportunities for its residents. Jay-ar works as a part-time electrician while Michelle is tasked with the responsibilities of tending to their home and children. (Photo by Shirin Bhandari for Action Against Hunger)

Whenever it rains hard, it makes the town equally vulnerable. Aside from restricting their movement to fetch water, flooding destroys and contaminates water sources. Without clean water, illnesses like diarrhea, parasites, and chronic intestinal inflammation are common. It also prevents children from absorbing key nutrients and makes them more susceptible to malnutrition and other health issues. This was a main concern for Michelle and her husband having children themselves.

In the initial days of the flood’s aftermath, affected families needed basic supplies such as food and clean water. With the support of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), they received emergency aid on water, sanitation, and hygiene through the ACCESS project. Water kits which contained basic hygiene items, jerry cans, and water purification tablets to name a few, were also provided.

Action Against Hunger Philippines was the first to respond after the heavy rains flooded the Davao region. Michelle’s family received cash for food and water assistance made possible by funding from ECHO.  (Photo by Mae Tanagon for Action Against Hunger)

Aside from WASH support, families in Anitapan that were affected by the flood also received multi-purpose cash assistance thanks to the funding support of ECHO. Families who lost their livelihoods like Michelle’s used the cash assistance to buy basic supplies while they looked for other means to provide for their families. “The cash provided by Action Against Hunger and ECHO allowed me to buy the essentials, like rice, food, and medicine. There are not enough livelihood opportunities in our area, so this was a great help to all of us,” Michelle smiles.

Emergency response efforts do not stop there. More than providing immediate life-saving aid at the onset of the disaster, we remained in close coordination with the province of Davao De Oro in continuously assessing the situation of the flood-affected areas in the municipalities of Mabini, Mawab, Maco, Nabunturan, and its displaced communities. Sitio Mascareg was one of those in dire need of immediate access to safe water and improved WASH facilities.

Action Against Hunger Philippines assessed the situation of Sitio Mascareg and worked tirelessly to provide potable and accessible water to the community. Photo by Mae Tanagon for Action Against Hunger

It has been life-changing, we do not have to go far or climb steep hills just to wash our clothes. Now we can have safe water to drink, cook with, and clean ourselves and our homes,”

Action Against Hunger’s ACCESS team has since installed a water pump facility adjacent to the barangay hall and community basketball court of Sitio Mascareg. Family members arrive with blue water containers to fill up. Getting water is no longer an ordeal since they can now fill their buckets with potable water just a few steps away from their homes.

“I do not have to cross mountains to fetch water, our town is overjoyed. We are thankful that Action Against Hunger continues to check on us. It has been life-changing, we do not have to go far or climb steep hills just to wash our clothes. Now we can have safe water to drink, cook, and clean ourselves and our homes,” Michelle smiles.

Over 150 families in Anitapan, including Michelle’s will now have easier and safer access to clean water with the rehabilitated water system that came with a newly installed solar light.

Now, Michelle and other residents arrive with their blue water containers just a few steps away from their homes and have an abundant supply of potable water. Photo by Mae Tanagon for Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger aims to ensure that every Filipino has access to clean water, enabling them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. With the unwavering support of ECHO and our ACCESS partners, we are committed to transforming communities, enhancing resilience, and creating a brighter, healthier future for all.

The Mindanao Flooding Emergency Response is made possible through the ACCESS Project with the funding support of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and implementation of consortium members Action Against Hunger, CARE Philippines, Humanity & Inclusion (HI), and Save the Children together with local partners from ACCORD Incorporated, Community Organizers Multiversity, Integrated Mindanaoans Association for Natives, Inc. (IMAN), Leading Individuals to Flourish and Thrive Inc. (LIFT), Mindanao Organization for Social and Economic Progress, Inc. (MOSEP), Notre Dame of Jolo College, and National Rural Women Coalition (PKKK).

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Creating Safe Spaces: protection for women, girls, and most vulnerable populations during emergencies

In the face of the Philippines’ complex humanitarian challenges, characterized by hazard-induced disasters and armed conflicts, Action Against Hunger has stepped forward to address the alarming rates of gender-based violence (GBV) and Protection risks, particularly affecting women and children. The organization recognizes that this dire situation not only jeopardizes the well-being of individuals but also weakens the societal fabric, diminishing the capacity to protect the most vulnerable.

The Philippines remains one of the countries most at risk of disasters based on the World Risk Index. Within this complex humanitarian scenario, women and children are disproportionately exposed to the perils of protection risks particularly GBV. Whilst GBV persists before the onset of disasters or conflicts, the risks are intensified in crises where protection structures and mechanisms are disrupted and weakened. According to the 2022 Philippine National Health Demographic Survey (NHDS), one in five women aged 15-49 experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence from their husbands or intimate partners. This figure covers only those who reported and recognized what happened to them as GBV.

Instances of GBV are often underreported, leading to a prevailing misconception that such incidents are uncommon in BARMM. However, women engaged in consultations have revealed distressing experiences, including instances of sexual harassment, coerced marriages, and rape, including cases involving minors, occurring amidst displacement and within evacuation centers. Crises like the occurrence of conflicts or disasters deeply affect communities by disrupting lives, causing trauma, and limiting access to mental health services. These challenges increase vulnerability to GBV as displacement and limited access to basic services exacerbate mental health issues and may perpetuate cycles of violence. Marginalized groups bear the brunt, facing heightened risks. Many individuals express uncertainties regarding how to address or seek assistance for these issues, primarily due to fears of shame, stigma, victim-blaming, disbelief, and potential retaliation, exacerbating the already challenging landscape of mental health in these communities.

Jazmin*, a 39-year-old woman, is currently in a temporary unfinished house that serves as a temporary shelter along with three other displaced families. Jazmin expressed fear and worry over her personal security inside the house. Telling her story, Jazmin shared, “Pakagilek sa kangasilingan ta kagina dala pageletan na kabagiga. Yabu pageletan na kulambo para aden bu lending sa kaped a pamilya uman pedtulog magabi.” (there is only one room in the evacuation center and the only division we have is a mosquito net.)

“there is only one room in the evacuation center and the only division we have is a mosquito net.” – Jazmin, age 39

Another story from a displaced community is about 33-year-old Zainab* who is currently staying in an evacuation center in Maguindanao del Sur. Last December 2023, Zainab along with the people from her village was forced to leave their community indue to violent clashes involving non-state armed groups and the military. Throughout her life, Zainab has faced repeated displacement episodes, triggered by recurrent violent conflicts in her community. The persistent and violent nature of fleeing has taken a toll on her psychological and emotional well-being. For now, Zainab shares her anxiety due to the uncertainty of a safe and dignified return. “Ya nin pedtalon, kadakelan sa lekami na gagilekan pembalingan baguli sabap sa di pon gatawan kanu e kambalingan na military operation” (most of the evacuees are afraid to return to their community due to undetermined military operations). Presently, Zainab, who is in her seventh month of pregnancy, can stay in a secure environment where she can receive tailored humanitarian assistance to their needs.

“most of the evacuees are afraid to return to their community due to undetermined military operations.” – Zainab, age 33

Especially during emergencies, creating safe spaces is paramount. Action Against Hunger calls for stricter implementation of laws and adherence to guidelines advocating for the rights of vulnerable populations, especially those who are internally displaced people or at greater risk of GBV, as well as the establishment of safe spaces for women and children, pregnant lactating women, persons with disabilities, and children in humanitarian response. These spaces offer a safe space for women and vulnerable populations to access protection services and GBV referral pathways.

Action Against Hunger’s intervention in responding to GBV and VAW in the Philippines is a testament to the organization’s commitment to addressing the most pressing issues vulnerable communities face. By taking a gender-transformative approach, Action Against Hunger is not only mitigating the immediate impact of GBV but also working towards creating a safer and more resilient future for all. This exemplifies the organization’s dedication to realizing its vision for a world where hunger and violence are eradicated, and all individuals can live with dignity and safety.

*Disclaimer: The names of individuals mentioned in this article have been altered to protect their confidentiality and privacy.

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Working together with local agencies and LGUs to provide rapid response

“MOVE UP Project, in coordination with the Parang MDRRMO has been instrumental in the delivery of Multipurpose Cash Transfer and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support interventions under its Rapid Response Mechanism to the displaced families affected by armed conflict in GT Biruar. These interventions benefitted the IDPs, especially the most vulnerable who were provided immediate, life-saving assistance,” shares Ms. Norah Mamariong, Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Officer (MDRRMO) of Parang, Maguindanao del Norte.

With funding from the European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), MOVE UP 5 through Action Against Hunger provided cash assistance and conducted a Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support (MHPSS) Session for Adults who were affected by the recent ‘rido’ in Barangay G.T Biruar, Parang.

Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Social Services and Development – BARMM, MDRRMO of the Municipality of Parang, and the officials of Barangay G.T Biruar, MOVE UP 5 was able to quickly respond to the needs of the affected community.

This rapid response is part of the Moving Urban Poor Communities Towards Resilience (MOVE UP 5) consortium project implemented by Action Against Hunger Philippines, ACCORD Incorporated, CARE Philippines, Plan International Philippines, and Nissa Ul-Haqq Bangsamoro with funding support from the European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).

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Surviving Crisis Mode with MOVE UP’s Support

Hindi namin alam kung saan tatakbo, kasi yung barilan, nakapalibot sa mga bahay namin,” shared Rasi, 44. She and her four children were among the displaced due to an armed conflict last February 6, 2023 at GT Biruar, in the Municipality of Parang, Lanao del Sur.

(We didn’t know where to go [at the time], because our houses were surrounded by gunfire.)

According to Rasi, that night they heard gunshots being exchanged by the parties involved. The gunfighting, allegedly caused by Rido or clan dispute, injured a number of residents including Rasi’s nephew.

Four days after that first encounter, a band of armed individuals occupied parts of the sitio where the encounter originally occurred- raising tension. Frightened and worried for their safety, families started to evacuate. A total of 69 households were displaced. A total of 69 households were displaced.


Displaced residents at the multipurpose cash assistance distribution of MOVE UP 5. (Photo by Ericka Refalbor for Action Against Hunger)

With funding from the European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), our MOVE UP Project team responded by activating the rapid response mechanism to deliver life-saving humanitarian assistance to the affected families. All 69 displaced families were given multipurpose cash assistance which is intended to support families in buying their basic needs whilst away from their homes and livelihoods.

RRM Cash Assistance beneficiary (Photo by Ericka Refalbor for Action Against Hunger)

“This [cash assistance] is a big help because we don’t know when we’ll be able to go back home.”

Rasi expressed her appreciation to the MOVE UP Project for the cash support they received. “Malaking tulong talaga ito kasi hindi po namin alam kailan kami makabalik,” she said. (This [cash assistance] is a big help because we don’t know when we’ll be able to go back home.)

Rasi and her daughter buy food and supplies after receiving the emergency cash assistance from Action Against Hunger. (Photo by Ericka Refalbor for Action Against Hunger)

One of the beneficiaries receiving their cash assistance from the designated financial service provider. (Photo by Ericka Refalbor for Action Against Hunger)

This rapid response was also complemented by support from the local government which provided food packs, hot meals, and transportation of the beneficiaries to and from the distribution area.

To this day, the tension between the two clans continues. Action Against Hunger, in coordination with the local government, continues to monitor the condition of the displaced families until they can safely return to their community.

Moving Urban Poor Communities Towards Resilience (MOVE UP) is a consortium project that offers durable solutions in terms of capacitating local governments and communities in mitigating the adverse socio-economic effects of disasters. With funding from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, MOVE UP 5 is implemented by Action Against Hunger, CARE PhilippinesPlan International, ACCORD Incorporated, and Nissa Ul-Haqq Bangsamoro. Read more

Real Life Heroes: Rural Women for Community Resilience

Gemma Andot is a women’s leader in the MADADMA Community, part of the Obo Manobo indigenous group. Since 2020, she has been an active volunteer of Action Against Hunger in promoting community resilience through the ECHO-funded MOVE UP project.

This International Day of Rural Women, we highlight and celebrate women like Gemma. Get to know her and how she engages and inspires her community in Ilomavis, Kidapawan City towards resilience.

How long have you been working as a humanitarian worker (volunteer)?

“Since 2012, isa na akong aktibong IP Community member na aktibong sumasali at nagsasagawa ng pagtulong, pagvovolunteer sa pagpreserve ng aming kultura at kapaligiran. Sa tuwing may mga NGO na dumarating dito, nagvovolunteer ako lagi.”

Since 2012, I have been an active IP Community member actively participating and helping─volunteering to preserve our culture and environment. Whenever NGOs come here, I always volunteer.

What motivates you to continue volunteering?

“Naiintindihan ko kasi ang hangarin at adbokasiya ng Urban Resilience lalo na sa usapin ng pagse-savings. Gusto ko maging involved sa paghahanda ng community kapag may dumating man na sakuna.”

[I understand the desire and advocacy of urban resilience, especially in the matter of savings. I want to be involved in making sure that my community is prepared if a disaster is to come.]

Why are you making this sacrifice?

“Hindi ko na iniisip ang sakripisyo, nakatingin nalang ako sa hinahanarap at sa magandang maaring maging resulta ng pag-sesave.”

[I don’t think about the sacrifices anymore, I just look at the future and the good that can be the result of having savings.]

What have been the challenges to your work?

“Minsan kailangan hatiin ang panahon ko para sa pamilya, negosyo, at community work, pero kaya naman kasi nandiyan naman palagi ang Action Against Hunger na kaagapay lalo na sa community.”

[Sometimes I need to divide my time between family, business, and community work─ but I’m able to do it because Action Against Hunger has been supporting us in the community.]

What motivates you to keep doing your work even these challenges?

“Nakikita ko kasi na balang araw ang mga kapwa ko IP ay magiging mas resilient kami kapag lahat kami naisabuhay ang pagsesavings.”

Seeing that one day, my fellow IPs will be more resilient when we all start having savings [motivates me].

What are you most proud of?

“Na dati nagsimula lang kami sa Agoho Community Savings Group. Ngayon, isa na kaming federation sa Kidapawan. Magpaparegister na din kami sa DOLE at SEC sa tulong ng Action Against Hunger at Public Employment Service Office ng LGU Kidapawan.”

Previously we just started with Agoho Community Savings Group. Now, we are a federation in Kidapawan. We will also register with the Department of Labor and Employment, and the Securities & Exchange Commission with the help of Action Against Hunger and the Public Employment Service Office of LGU Kidapawan.

How can you engage the youth in your line of work?

“Kami na mga magulang ay nagsesavings. Sana itong mga kabataan ay makita nila kami bilang magandang ehemplo. Sila na rin ay nagsesavings gaya namin kaya ebidensya ito na naiimpluwensyahan namin sila.”

[We parents are having savings. I hope these young people can see us as a good example. They are also saving like us, so this is evidence that we influence them.]

Read more about Gemma’s work the Pines (Agoho) Community Savings Group

Moving Urban Poor Communities Towards Resilience (MOVE UP 4) is a consortium project that offers durable solutions in terms of capacitating local governments and communities in mitigating the adverse socio-economic effects of disasters. With funding from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, MOVE UP 4 was implemented by Action Against HungerPlan InternationalCARE Philippines, and ACCORD Incorporated.

International Day of Rural Women

Over the last century, the world’s population has steadily shifted from leading a rural existence to living in urban settings. Yet a vast amount of people (approximately 3.4 billion) are still living in rural areas. These rural communities are often characterized by limited access to resources, lower standards of living and generally high levels of poverty.

In the Philippines, around 2 million women work in rural industries including agriculture, fishing and mining. Yet land ownership for women remains low at around 10%. Women play a vital part in rural cultivation within the country yet are rarely the beneficiaries. To this end, significant land reform in accordance with gender transformative measures is required to address the situation.

Action Against Hunger has engaged with several projects across the Philippines to address the issues surrounding gender in rural communities. Specific focus has been placed on influencing household decision-making and ensuring gender is integrated into existing food security & livelihoods programming.

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Stories from the Field: A Mother’s Fortitude

Sitting on a bamboo bed inside a makeshift cob hut, five-year-old Zia bugs her lola (grandmother) about her vitamins, telling her that it is time for her to take them. Emma, 63 years old, tells her to wait for a while as she settles to answer questions and share stories about her life and what she experienced when Super Typhoon Odette hit Bohol.

Emma and Zia sit on their bamboo bed inside their makeshift shelter made of leftover materials from their house that was severely damaged by Typhoon Odette.

Emma lives in a small house near a river in Napo, Inabanga, Bohol. The neighborhood remains isolated from the rest of the town’s mainland since it is located on the other side of the riverbanks.

Emma has been Zia’s guardian since birth. She has acted as the mother since her daughter, Zia’s biological mother is working in another province as a house helper and comes home very rarely.

“Ay sukad pa pag gawas, ma’am. Ako na jud nag bantay ug nagpa dako kay nanarbaho pod lage ang ijang inahan sa Cebu. Magpada pod usahay ahong anak, pero gamay ra pod lage kay 5,000 ra man ijang sweldo,” shares Emma.

“I am the one who has been looking after her since she was born because her mother has to work in Cebu. My daughter [Zia’s mother] also sends money but not that much because she only earns 5,000 pesos per month.”

Meanwhile, Emma vividly remembers the terrors she and Zia experienced during the onslaught of Super Typhoon Odette one early night in December 2021.

“Kusog (ang hangin). Didto mi sa kapelya nanagan oy. Alas syete naman mi namlhin didto, kusog na kaajo ang hangin. Pirte na jud namong likay-likay para di mi maigu sa lubi,” Emma eagerly recalls.

“The wind was very strong. We ran to the chapel. We went there at seven in the evening, the wind was already aggressive at that time. We tried our best to avoid the swaying coconut trees on our way to the chapel,”

Seeking a safer shelter amidst the violent winds and heavy rains, left their small house without anything but Zia. They stayed in the chapel along with the other villagers who were also seeking a more elevated place to avoid the rising water from the river. Two days later, the neighborhood was still flooded after the river overflowed during the typhoon. Emma was able to go back to their place after three days but she went home to almost nothing. Her house was destroyed and everything in and around it was covered with mud.

A few meters from their makeshift house, Emma and Zia pose sit by their soon-to-rise new home which was made possible through the support of the ECHO and Action Against Hunger

Today, no signs of muddy surroundings and damaged infrastructure exist anymore. The only thing that serves as a reminder of the typhoon is the makeshift cob house where they are staying temporarily.

About five meters from the makeshift home stood a newly built house frame with galvanized iron sheets roofing, four big wooden pillars, and coconut lumbers ready for the walling. All of the resources used for building the structure were funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) as part of the Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai in the Philippines project. The material and financial donations, along with the emotional and mental support, made it possible for Emma to start rebuilding their home and their life.

With teary eyes and a shaky voice, Emma expressed her gratitude to the people behind ECHO through the Action Against Hunger team. Right after she saw the damages left by the typhoon, she thought it was already impossible for her to build back their home due to financial incapacity. But through the ECHO Odette Response, she only had to contribute minimally because most of the things she needed to start again were already provided.

“Perteng lipaja namo ma’am oy. Sa katong diha na ang mga hinabang [sa Action Against Hunger  at ECHO], labi na katong para sa shelter, mga kahoy, mga sin. Bisan pa og kato ra, maka barog naman jud mi adto, bahala’g di ka-igu, majo na raman naay ma puno-punoan.” she shares.

“We were very happy when the aid [from Action Against Hunger and ECHO] arrived, especially those for shelter, the wood, the galvanized iron sheets. Even with only those materials, we can already put up our house back. It is already a great starting point.”

Aside from the shelter assistance, Emma received other kinds of assistance from ECHO such as hygiene kits. Six months later, Emma has eventually returned to her almost-normal life producing fiber materials out of raffia palm leaves while taking care of her granddaughter. Emma earns less than 500 pesos a week from cleaning, drying, and scraping raffia fibers and selling them to local native product manufacturers.

Emma prepares raffia fibers to supply for local handicraft producers

While her new home is not fully done yet, Emma and Zia continue to take shelter in the makeshift cob and hope they can finally move into the new house in a few weeks.

Emma’s motherhood has extended to the next generation by taking the role of a mother and guardian to her granddaughter. Being a widow and a senior citizen did not stop her from taking responsibility for her 5-year-old granddaughter not only during disasters but during Zia’s entire life.

Emma gets drinking water for Zia in their makeshift dirty kitchen after her granddaughter took her daily dose of vitamins. 

As Emma finishes sharing her story and answering questions, she gets up to get the vitamins Zia had been bugging about earlier. She lets Zia take it and gives her water to drink after. Zia leaves with a phone her mother lent Emma for communication purposes and starts playing a mobile game.

The Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai (Odette) is funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and jointly implemented by CARE PhilippinesACCORD IncorporatedAction Against Hunger PhilippinesNational Rural Women Coalition (PKKK) and Plan International in Dinagat Islands, Palawan, Southern Leyte, Bohol, Negros Occidental, and Cebu, in the Philippines.

 Written by Donna Ocmeja | Photos by Donna Ocmeja for Action Against Hunger

Odette Aftermath Snapshot: The Island’s Source of Life

The island of Ubay can be reached through a 30-minute fuel-powered boat ride from the port of Tubigon. Residents pay 50 pesos for a two-way ride from and to the island.

Ubay, a small island in the town of Tubigon in Bohol, was one of the most devastated communities after the onslaught of Supertyphoon Odette (internationally known as Typhoon Rai). Most of the houses were totally damaged by the typhoon that hit the province in December 2021.

The residents of Ubay are families who depend on the sea to survive. Most of the people on the island are fisherfolks. Unfortunately, it was also the sea that destroyed the island when Typhoon Odette rampaged the province of Bohol. Aside from losing their homes and livelihoods, the disaster also took the lives of two vulnerable members of the community—a newborn baby and an elderly woman.

Through the funding of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai implemented by Action Against Hunger in Bohol provided aid and support in the aftermath of the calamity. Since the residents’ livelihoods were most impacted, the ECHO-funded Typhoon Odette Emergency Response provided interventions to help the fishing community rebuild their main source of living.

Jose Cabarce, a fisherfolk, shows his new fish net he bought using the cash assistance. His wife, Evelyn Cabarce, is inside their home which is right behind Jose.

Reynaldo Zaide lost his newborn daughter during the typhoon. The name of the baby who died is seen written on the exterior wall of the family’s house. Reynaldo lives with his wife, Lavinia, and their two children: a 15-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl. He received cash assistance for livelihood as well which he used to buy a new fishing net.

Father and son Lorenzo and Eric Beltran take turns in using the new fishing net and motor machine for their boat which they bought through the cash assistance provided by the project. They live together in a small house built just a few inches from the seawater.

Eric and Lorenzo with the rest of the Beltran family members.

Estrellita shows her husband, Binerando, getting ready for another fishing trip. Binerando is preparing the boat they managed to acquire through the livelihood cash assistance.

Grandparents Reinaldo and Feliza Manas, with their granddaughter, show the fishing net they just bought. Reinaldo is a fisherman who works to provide food for her sick wife and their granddaughter who lives with them. Surrounding them are some of the remaining debris of their damaged home.

Fernando, 64, and Analiza, 33, are a couple with two kids in grade school. With Analiza having Polio, Fernando is the primary caregiver and provider of the family. Thanks to the cash assistance, the family was able to buy new fishing gear that helped them restart their fishing livelihood after Typhoon Odette.

The ECHO-funded Typhoon Odette Response provided cash assistance which residents used to rebuild their livelihoods. While some residents used the assistance to purchase fishing gears and other equipment, others used it as a start-up capital for a sari-sari or small retail store.

Eusevio Macaraya shows his small sari-sari store inside a makeshift shelter made of materials recycled from the remains of typhoon Odette. Eusevio proudly shares how his small store is now the new place for the neighborhood, especially fishermen, to gather for coffee early at dawn or late at dusk. The new ‘Ubay Island Cafe’ owner is a 64-year-old widower who lives alone. His four children have left the island a few years ago for marriage.

Aside from the cash assistance for livelihood, the Action Against Hunger team also provided another set of cash assistance to some members of the community for food supplies. They also provided Water, Sanitation and Hygiene kits.

Estrellita Anavieza, 58, is a widow who currently lives on the island with her teenage daughter. She also received livelihood cash assistance for her store’s capital.

Aside from the cash assistance for livelihood, the Typhoon Odette Response through Action Against Hunger also provided another set of cash assistance for food supplies. During the initial stages of the intervention WASH or water, sanitation, & hygiene kits were also given to the affected residents.

The Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai (Odette) is funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and jointly implemented by CARE PhilippinesACCORD IncorporatedAction Against Hunger PhilippinesNational Rural Women Coalition (PKKK) and Plan International in Dinagat Islands, Palawan, Southern Leyte, Bohol, Negros Occidental, and Cebu, in the Philippines. Read more

Stories from the Field: Keeping faith in helping others despite Typhoon Odette’s impact

“In health, we need to be on duty, even if we ourselves are affected. Be strong. We go to the evacuation centers, even though we do not know what has happened to our homes.”Dr. Ivy Padernal, Municipal Health Officer | Municipality of Mabini
Patients from devastated health stations from Mabini swarm the San Roque Health center— the main health center in the municipality. After being destroyed by Typhoon Odette, it is crucial to repair and add more health stations to serve the community.
Prior to the disaster, Dr. Ivy visits the health center once a week to conduct check-ups. The center caters to more than ten barangays. After Typhoon Odette, residents had to do their health consultations at the rural health office which was a long commute for many.
With the support of the European Union Humanitarian Aid, our Typhoon Odette Response in Bohol was able to rehabilitate health facilities such as the San Roque Health Center.

The Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai (Odette) is funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and jointly implemented by CARE Philippines, ACCORD Incorporated, Action Against Hunger Philippines, National Rural Women Coalition (PKKK) and Plan International in Dinagat Islands, Palawan, Southern Leyte, Bohol, Negros Occidental, and Cebu, in the Philippines.

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Stories from the Field: Hope in the aftermath of Typhoon Odette

41-year-old Lorelei still breaks down into tears every time she recalls the day Typhoon Odette made landfall. She vividly remembers the fear that she and her family experienced. Not to mention, they had to face the fact that the typhoon had left their home damaged and their livelihood affected.

With the support of the European Union Humanitarian Aid, our Typhoon Odette Response in Bohol was able to provide short-term livelihood recovery programs to families like Lorelei’s.

The Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai (Odette) is funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and jointly implemented by CARE Philippines, ACCORD Incorporated, Action Against Hunger Philippines, National Rural Women Coalition (PKKK) and Plan International in Dinagat Islands, Palawan, Southern Leyte, Bohol, Negros Occidental, and Cebu, in the Philippines.

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Stories from the Field: Sailing Through Rough Seas

The island of Ubay in Tubigon, Bohol is one of the communities hardest hit by Supertyphoon Odette (internationally named Rai)—the strongest typhoon that the province had ever experienced according to their current residents.

To reach the island, one must take a 30-minute boat ride from the mainland of Tubigon. If residents or travelers do not have their own boat, it costs fifty pesos for a one-way trip. Being a hard-to-reach community and with most of its houses totally damaged by the typhoon—Ubay was identified as one of the beneficiary communities of the Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai in the Philippines project funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).

Marichu and her son ride on their boat on the way to the island from the mainland of the town of Tubigon.

Marichu Reyes and her family are residents of the island. The day-to-day life of Marichu and her family primarily revolves around the island. Her husband is a full-time fisherman who works day and night to catch fish and other seafood for selling and consumption. The sea is the family’s means of survival and source of income. Unfortunately, with climate change making natural disasters even worse in recent years, the family’s source of living is affected.

Marichu prepares for docking and throws a rope toward a man who is waiting for the boat to arrive on the Ubay island.

“Sa dihang naagi-an mi og linog, na usab ang panahon. Dayon, nag bagyong Yolanda, mura bag hinay na kaayo ang kuha sa isda gani. Dayon gi usban ni Odette, mao tong diha mi murag na lusbo gani mi. Mura mag ibutang nato og mura ta’g nawad-an ta og panginabuhian ba, sakit kaayo,” Marichu shared during an interview.

“When the 2013 earthquake hit us, the weather seemed to have changed. Then when typhoon Yolanda hit a few months later, our fishermen’s daily catch gradually decreased. Typhoon Odette came and that is when everything got even worse. It seemed like we lost everything in life, and it was too painful for us,” 

Despite the day-to-day financial challenges they face, Marichu and her husband continue to keep their promise of not giving up. Currently, their eldest child is in a local college studying Education, while their second child has just started college taking up Maritime courses.

The family owns a boat that they use not only for fishing but also for taking passengers to and from the island; this is a secondary source of income for them. Meanwhile, Marichu works as a Barangay Health Worker on the island with a monthly honorarium of 500 pesos.

“Ang akong bana, ang buntag himoon og gabie, ang gabie himoon og buntag niya, para lang maka support sa among mga anak. Kay among mga anak ma’am bisag ingani mi ang among sitwasyon, maka kaon sa usa ka adlaw og ka tulo, pursigi gani sila sa ilang pag skwela. Unya kato akong ulitawo mo tabang sad sa iyang papa og tahi, managat…. Ang kanang mahibiln sa among balay kanag gamay nako ari, kamao naman sad na moluto ka gi tun-an lage nako, 9 years old, grade 4,” Marichu proudly narrated.

“As a fisherman, my husband’s morning is the night, and the night is his morning. He does that just to support our children because even if we are in this situation – merely having three meals per day – we have hard-working children who are eager to go to school.

For instance, my second child helps his father at work – he sews our fish net, he goes fishing… Our youngest child is usually the one left at home, and he can already cook food. He is nine years old and in the fourth grade,”

Marichu admitted that her family of five continues to experience the struggle to achieve a more stable life, especially in recent years because income through fishing has been unsteady and two of the children have started tertiary education. On the brighter side, this struggle is also the thing that motivates them to do better and bigger. Unfortunately, their struggle intensified in December 2021 after Super Typhoon Odette washed out their home and destroyed their fishing equipment.

Marichu sits in the doorway of their makeshift house while narrating the horrors her family and the rest of the island community experienced during the onslaught of Typhoon Odette

The town of Tubigon has six islands surrounding it. Due to the lack of appropriate sea transport facilities and time constraints, the local government officials were not able to evacuate all of the Ubay Island residents before the strong winds and rains arrived. Fifteen families remained on the island during the typhoon including Marichu’s.

Marichu got emotional as she recalled the unfortunate events that happened on the island during the typhoon. She narrated how the community witnessed first-hand the rapid destruction of the islanders’ primary assets – the households and the livelihood. Marichu also shared how the entire community of Ubay Island mourned for the two most vulnerable members of the community who lost their lives during the typhoon – a newborn baby and an old woman.

“Sakit kaayo paminawon ba, nga ang among bay ug panginabuhian hurot tanan. Ang nahibilin na lang namo ang among pamilya, maong nagpasalamat sad ko sa GInoo ba nga wa mi hutdan sa among mga anak. Gibilin mi, ang gikuha niya ang panginabuhian ug among balay. Pero salamt jud kaayp sa Ginoo sad kay kami buo pa mi. Hinuon ang panginabuhian ug ang bay, sa inanay mabalik man. Pero sakit lang sad paminawon ba,” Marichu said.

“It is painful to think that our home and livelihood got destroyed [due to the typhoon]. What was left of us is our family. I am thankful to God that we did not lose anyone from the family. Our house and livelihood got taken away, but thankfully our family is still complete. We can bring back our house and livelihood slowly anyway. But it was still painful [to lose our house and livelihood,”

The arrival of the Action Against Hunger team to the island a few months after the typhoon was considered a blessing to the island. Marichu, along with the other residents of the island of Ubay, received post-calamity aid from the ECHO-funded project. Cash assistance for livelihood and food is the primary aid intervention for the residents of the island. They also received water, sanitation and hygiene kits.

Standing in front of their temporary house, Marichu shows off the new fish net they bought using the ECHO livelihood assistance

All of the families on the island benefited from various aid programs coordinated by the Action Against Hunger team. More than 20 families were able to buy new fishing equipment that helped in their livelihood recovery, and more than 40 families were able to buy food supplies for daily consumption.

Standing in front of their temporary house, Marichu shows off the new fish net they bought using the livelihood assistance from the 

The residents of Ubay Island mention their gratitude for all the help they received in Typhoon Odette’s aftermath. Marichu and her husband thought it would take them a long time to recover, but thanks to donations from charity organizations, especially Action Against Hunger, according to them it only took a few months to go back to fishing. It’s a long way to go, but they’re slowly getting back on their feet.

“Ipagawas lang nako no, daghan jud kaayo ko og pasalamat ninyo, sa Action Against Hunger, sa ECHO. Dako kaayo og nakatabang sa among panginabuhian. Nga ang among pukot nga gamay na pun-an pa gyud tungod sa hibanag Action Against Hunger. Thank you kaayo. Og sa akoa lang nga bahin ma’am, kung nagkinahanglan mo nako, willing ko, magpa gamit ko para makatabang pod,” Marichu’s ending statement during the interview.

“I just want to express a huge thank you to Action Against Hunger and ECHO. They helped us a lot in the revival of our livelihood. For instance, we now have a bigger fish net because of the cash assistance we received. Thank you very much. And on my part, if ever the organization would need anything from me, I am willing to help and be a volunteer, so I can also help in return,”

The Immediate and Comprehensive Response for Communities Affected by Typhoon Rai (Odette) is funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and jointly implemented by CARE PhilippinesACCORD IncorporatedAction Against Hunger PhilippinesNational Rural Women Coalition (PKKK) and Plan International in Dinagat Islands, Palawan, Southern Leyte, Bohol, Negros Occidental, and Cebu, in the Philippines.

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