Proper hygiene and sanitation practices is vital in the continued fight against the spread of COVID-19. The key is for people to be consistent. Action Against Hunger follows a 3-prong approach to achieve this end:
SUPPLY: we distribute to families Hygiene Kits that include soap, jerrycans and other essential hygiene products. Touch-Free Handwashing Stations are installed in various public areas like evacuation centers, schools and markets. If a community does not have a consistent water supply, we put up water tanks and make sure that this is replenished regularly through water-trucking.
EDUCATE: we talk and discuss with the community the importance of proper hygiene and sanitation through barangay sessions.
REINFORCE: we resupply the community with cleaning materials to make sure that their sanitation facilities and water source are properly maintained and cleaned. We train volunteers from the community to be Hygiene Promoters and conduct house-to-house hygiene promotion